Tuesday 16 May 2017

Trimble GreenSeeker Handheld Crop Sensor

The Trimble GreenSeeker handheld crop sensor is a simple farm management tool that can be used to assess the heath or vigour of a crop in order to make better nutrient management decisions on your farm. The GreenSeeker crop sensing system helps farmers to effectively and precisely manage crop inputs on the go by applying the right amount of fertilizer, in the right place, at the right time.

The GreenSeeker instantly take readings of crop’s health. Readings can be used to make non-subjective decisions regarding the amount of fertilizer to be applied to your crop, resulting in more efficient use of fertilizer—a benefit to the farmer and the environment.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Minimizing the effect of Tuta absoluta in Nigeria through Tray and Lamp Technology

Tuta absoluta is a larva of moth known by the common names tomato leaf-miner and South American tomato moth. The pest (Tuta absoluta) was discovered in South America in 1912 where it ravaged many farms before it spread to Europe and then to Asia and now to East and West Africa.

The larva feeds voraciously upon tomato plants, producing large galleries in leaves, burrowing in stalks, and consuming apical buds and green and ripe fruits. It is capable of causing a yield loss of 100%.
It has the ability to destroy a whole tomato farm within 48 hours. It is also very difficult to control as it has a high mutation capacity with the ability to develop a resistance to insecticides.