Wednesday 25 October 2017

CropX…Grow more, Water less

In drought, saving water in any way possible is crucial. Farmers have to find a way to toe the line between saving water and keeping their crops alive. And since so much of the farming process has become automated, it’s likely that each part of a farmer’s field will get the same amount of water, whether that amount of water is actually necessary or not.
CropX is a new agriculture technology company that is looking to solve that problem. The company sells smart sensors, which can tell farmers which parts of their fields actually need water at any given time.

CropX Ltd. has developed cloud based software solutions integrated with wireless sensors, which boosts crops yield and saves water and energy. It offers advanced adaptive irrigation software service that delivers crop yield increase, water and energy cost saving services while conserving the environment. It serves farmers worldwide. The sensors and software are designed to help farmers determine precisely how much water to use in different parts of their fields, increasing yields and saving water and other resources by ensuring that no part of the field receives too much or too little water. The idea—called precision agriculture—is nothing new.

How it works
The sensor gives the simplest, smartest and best adaptive irrigation solution; it is completely Do It Yourself (DIY). The revolutionary spiral design allows for easy installation and perfect result. It’s irrigation with a difference.

The cropX mobile app directs you to the exact point in your field to place the sensor in the soil according to a zoning map generated by the software. The cropX technology scans your field and analyses its different zones. Saturating the soil during installation lets the sensors self-calibrate: They compare the actual drying rate of the soil to what was predicted by the algorithm, and adjust for any differences.

Scan the QR code and the sensor automatically connects to the system and starts gathering data and sending it to the cloud.

From then on, the system can provide a watering plan that is tailored to the specific needs of the soil in each zone. The sensors take readings every 20 minutes, so they can account for rainfall and other changes, and make sure that farmers only add as much water as the crops need.

On average, a set of three sensors which are battery powered and last up to four years can be used to cover a field of 125 acres and the units are placed with help from the company’s app.

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